RSVP Here:
Download the 2024 Annual Report (includes the annual meeting agenda and budget)
The Annual Meeting of White Bear Unitarian Church will take place on Sunday, June 9 at 11:30am, following a single service (In-Person and on Zoom) at 10am.
The Annual Meeting will include the election of Board and Nominating and Leadership Development Committee members and the adoption of the 2024-25 operating budget. All are welcome to attend in person or on Zoom; members will be able to vote. Childcare will be available.
With 683 adult members, we require a quorum of 20% (136 members) to open the meeting. Please RSVP so we can confirm that will will have a quorum:
If you are a member of WBUUC, having signed the Membership Book, please make every effort to attend in person or on Zoom. All are welcome, but members need to come, be counted, and to vote. Thank you for being a part of this important responsibility we share together as a Congregation.