Justice Events

Project Home
September 1-30, 2015
Our community at WBUUC is once again hosting Project Home in September. We provide hospitality and a home to about six families each evening that are currently experiencing homelessness. Evening and overnight volunteer hosts from our church make sure our guests have a safe and comfortable experience while they are here. If you are interested in information about being a host, click here to learn more.

Video & Discussion of Pope Francis addressing congress on Climate Change and Social Justice
Wednesday, September 30 | 6:30pm – Social Hall

Pope Francis’s encyclical highlights climate change as a moral issue, pointing out that the poor suffer the most from its consequences even though they have contributed the least to its causes. On September 24, the pope addresses the U.S. Congress; one-third are Catholic. On Sept. 30, watch this historic speech on video at WBUUC and discuss it with Kimberly Byrd, U. of M. Sustainability Professor. Request a link to Top Ten Encyclical Takeaways from nancyhforgreen@gmail.com.