Our Living Legacy History

Sunday, Feb 20 | 12:30-2:00pm | Zoom
All WBUUC members, friends, and visitors are warmly invited to participate!

Register: https://wbuuc.breezechms.com/form/LivingLegacy
Questions: Contact Rev. Roger Bertschausen, revroger@wbuuc.org

The Zoom meeting link will be sent to all who register.

About the Living Legacy History Project

Taking stock of where the congregation has been is an important activity in a ministerial transition. Ministerial transition is mostly about looking forward—a truth that is abundantly clear in the search process for WBUUC’s next Lead Minister. But it’s also true that the future will be built on the foundation of the past and present. WBUUC has had a remarkable history and is the beneficiary of the living legacy of the past—from its founding in 1956 through the lead ministry of Rev. Victoria Safford and into this time of transition. Having a good, widely shared and understood sense of its past is prerequisite to the search process for a new Lead Minister.

A congregation’s history centers on stories. This session will invite participants to share stories from their time in the congregation as well as their understandings of stories from WBUUC’s history. We’ll ask you to share stories and hear the stories of others. The Transition Team will take notes and use your stories to put together a timeline and an interpretation of WBUUC’s history. This will become part of the information that our Search Committee will share later this year with prospective candidates for the Lead Minister position.

We really do want to hear stories from all eras—from those still here who were part of the early days to people who found the church since Rev. Safford left last summer. All of us will benefit from hearing the stories of others.