Becoming a Member

All people are welcome to become a member of our church.  There is no formal creed or set of beliefs one must hold, but rather it is a covenant with this community to journey together in love, in freedom, and compassion.  Membership classes are not required, but strongly encouraged for your own benefit to meet other people, learn more about our history and heritage, and find ways to connect and be involved in the life of the church.

Signing the Book & Joining the Church

Every member of our church since its founding in 1956 has signed the red “Membership Book.”  This is the official and symbolic way of joining this church and supporting its mission.  If you are interested in signing the book, here are the ways to sign and join our church:

– Attend our “Walking Together” classes and sign during a closing ceremony.

–  Sign on the 1st Sunday of each month after each Service with our Ministers in the Sanctuary with a brief introduction and signing ceremony.

– Make an appointment with one of the Ministers.

Upcoming classes:

Walking Together: Membership in White Bear UU Church
Sunday, May 4 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Followed by a welcome service and dinner at 5:00 p.m.

Have you recently joined, or are interested in becoming a member of WBUUC? “Walking Together” explores these questions: What is the story of Unitarian Universalism and this church? How do I get connected and involved in this community? What does it mean to be a member? Sign up in the Social Hall or contact Rev. Luke Stevens-Royer at or 651.426.2369×103.