President’s Message


March is a month of transition as winter recedes and spring glimmers just over the horizon. It’s also an important time of transition for our church because it is the month of our annual pledge drive. Our 2015-16 church year is peaking over the horizon and we are about to sow the seeds that we will reap. Together we can plant a plentiful crop – a crop that is rooted in gratitude and will flourish in service to the wider world.

Your generous gifts last year made it possible to restore some of the program, staff, and committee cuts made in prior years. We have consequently been able to take a deep breath and catch a glimpse of what our future could be like.

With this pledge drive the Board seeks to consolidate our growing stability and make moderate progress toward a healthier financial future. A successful pledge drive this year will help lay the foundation for addressing challenges identified during the Board’s long-term planning process.

We are an inspired church community and we recreate our future with every pledge drive. Please renew and increase your commitment – with 100% participation our church community can thrive and serve. Together we are truly “Spreading Seeds and Growing Souls.”

– Nancy Ver Steegh