We Stand on the Side of Love beyond our walls, putting our faith into action and working for justice in our community and our state. Here are some of the ways we show up for love outside our church:

Karlyn Peterson ready to drum in the 2013 Pride Parade

More WBUUC members participating in the 2013 Pride Parade

Rev. Luke and Helen Duritsa showing their colorful support at the 2013 Pride Parade

Jane Bacon holds the WBUUC Banner for the banner parade at the 2013 Prairie Star District Annual Conference

Rev. Victoria Safford at the Capitol for Marriage Equality

Rev. Luke attempting to get a photo with Governor Dayton

Rev. Luke & Rev. Victoria at the Capitol for gun reform & peace

Rev. Luke and Rev. Kelli Clement singing in the Capitol rotunda for Marriage Equality Photo: Gellerimages

WBUUC Supports Clean Energy & Jobs Campaign at the Capitol on Earth Day 2013