
Why Give?

Your gifts to White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church may take many forms. Members and friends generously donate their time and their talents to projects within our church community and to outreach beyond our walls. These contributions are greatly appreciated, but financial support is crucial. Our annual pledge drive, held in late winter/early spring, asks every member and friend for a financial commitment for the next fiscal year. These pledges help our volunteer Board of Directors plan the operating budget which is presented for congregational approval at the Annual Meeting each spring. Pledges account for nearly 90% of the annual operating budget and without 100% participation, the sustainability of WBUUC is greatly challenged.  Your contribution matters!

White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church Tax ID #41-1714846

White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church (WBUUC) is a tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to WBUUC are 100% tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes, subject to any limitation that otherwise may apply.


Give Online

To make donations to WBUUC, go to:
You can also give through the Breeze app if you have set up an account.
If you’ve not used Breeze before, you’ll need to set up your account: click here to request a sign up link for Breeze.


Text Giving

You can also donate to WBUUC, through text giving.  Text the following to (651) 615-5551: “Amount”(e.g., if you want to give $20, put this in the text: 20).


Gifts of Stock

Download the Gifts of Stock Instructions & Form


Raising Money for WBUUC while you search or shop:


WBUUC Special Gifts

WBUUC-special-gifts-brochure-2014-graphicWould you like to honor an occasion or memory of someone special that will also benefit our church community? Or perhaps just contribute a little more to the church you treasure? White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church maintains a special wish list of items that will help our church as you commemorate someone or something meaningful to you.
Download the WBUUC Special Gifts Brochure