WBUUC Endowment Fund
The White Bear Unitarian Universalist Endowment Fund provides members and friends of WBUUC a way to provide for the long-term financial stability of the Church by designating a gift from their estate to the Fund. Currently, there is nearly $400,000 in the Endowment Fund, which generates interest that is reinvested in the fund. The goal is to reach a fund balance equal to the annual WBUUC budget at which point the Church can use the interest earned to contribute to the annual budget or special projects.
Planned giving is an intentional act that leaves a lasting legacy in your name and sustains the powerful work of this Church for generations to come. A legacy gift is a designation from your estate to a charitable organization. Your “estate” is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. Wealthy people may have large estates, but even people who aren’t wealthy often have the resources to make a legacy gift.
By making a bequest to WBUUC’s Endowment Fund you help guarantee the health of the Church in the long term. Everybody should have a will, even those of us who don’t think of ourselves as wealthy in any way. Most planned gifts are deferred, meaning WBUUC will enjoy the financial benefits after we die. Often a planned gift is the largest single gift a person will ever make. WBUUC recognizes the generosity of those who have designated a gift to WBUUC in their estate plan by including them in the Legacy Circle.
Download Top 10 Reasons for UUs to Write a Will
Hold these questions as you consider a legacy gift to WBUUC:
- Is White Bear UU Church important in your life?
- Do you hope that it will continue to grow and thrive?
- Are you proud of WBUUC’s work for justice beyond its walls?
- Do you rejoice at how WBUUC gives you unparalleled opportunity for religious and spiritual growth?
- Do you love how the Religious Education is stimulating your child’s or grandchild’s inquiring mind?
- Do you appreciate the warmth of the community at White Bear UU Church?
- Are you amazed at the quality of the sermons that our ministers give?
- Are you inspired by the beauty of the music that our choir and musicians share?
By making a legacy gift to our Endowment Fund, you would be joining others who have committed to supporting our ministry and programs into the future. There are many gift possibilities. Each of these gifts allows flexibility, though some requirements apply, and you always retain the right to amend your estate plans, e.g. to change your mind.
- A charitable bequest in your last will and testament can be a specific amount or a percentage of what remains after providing for your heirs.
- A life insurance designation names White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church Endowment Fund as owner or beneficiary of the policy.
- Retirement plan assets name the WBUUC Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing or other retirement plan.
- Other types of legacy gifts include gift annuities, life-estate agreements and charitable remainder trusts.
- And you may make a direct gift of cash, stock, or other assets to the WBUUC Endowment Fund.
If you are in the process of making a planned gift, or if you would like more information about planned giving, contact the Operations Director at (651) 204-8224.
If you have already decided to make a legacy gift to WBUUC, please let the church know by completing the Letter of Intent form — Download form here — and send it to Endowment Fund, c/o WBUUC 328 Maple Street, Mahtomedi, MN 55115, or via email to office@wbuuc.org
Content Revised August 2024