Have an idea for a new small group at WBUUC? Contact Lisa Lamb
Click an item below to jump to its description and details
- Men’s Group
- Parents Circle
- Conversations: At the Heart of It
- Shamanic Drumming
- Artist and Maker Meet-up
- Women’s Book Group
- WomenSpirit Circle
- Unitarian Universalist Voices
- Theme Circles
- Engaging Poetry As A Spiritual Practice
Men’s Group
1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 12:30pm
A group to make connections, deepen
friendships and build community, through
sharing, learning and support.
Contact: Steve Kahn or John Bauhs
Parents Circle
2nd Wednesdays | 6:30-7:30 | Emerson Alcove
A circle of parents of young children and youth gather to
explore spirituality and parenting.
Contact: Gena Borgmeier
Conversations: At the Heart of It
3rd Thursdays | 11:00am-1:00pm
A group for those 60+, including a delicious lunch,
discussion and occasional speakers, led by Amy Peterson.
This is a wonderful way to connect with others!
Contact: office@wbuuc.org
Shamanic Drumming
Shamanic Drumming and Journeying meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the front of the sanctuary (Zoom option also available). Join us for spiritual attunement and exploration. Contact Nancy Hauer for further information (or to get the Zoom link).
Contact: Nancy Hauer
Artist and Maker Meet-up (updated April 20, 2023)
First Thursdays | 6:30-8:00 pm | Social Hall
Third Sundays | 12:30 to 2pm | Olympia Brown Room
Calling all makers, creatives, wood carvers, artists, quilters, painters, knitters, crocheters, beaders, collage-makers, card-makers, and more!! This is an informal, drop in as you are able, and work on your own project while connecting with other creative UUs. Some just drop in and watch.
Contact: Lisa Lamb
Women’s Book Group
2nd Mondays | 7-9pm
A group reading a variety of books written by women, chosen by the group, focusing on books which are affordable or at a library.
Contact: Dana Jackson
WomenSpirit Circle
1st Tuesdays | 7-9pm
A group supporting women in exploring their spiritual origins, experiences and
beliefs in community. Meetings open to all women of WBUUC.
Contact: Carol Marsyla
Unitarian Universalist Voices
3rd Wednesdays | 7:30-9pm
An open group to discuss various voices from our UU heritage, with readings regularly provided.
Contact: Victor Urbanowicz
Theme Circles
Theme Circles are a great way to deepen connections in church community, and to dive deeper into our monthly themes.
New theme circles will launch in Fall of 2023. Sign up here: https://wbuuc.breezechms.com/form/23-24-theme-circles
Contact: Amy Peterson (dre@wbuuc.org)
Engaging Poetry As A Spiritual Practice
4th Wednesdays | 6:15-6:30pm
This is a space for exploring how poetry can open, deepen, decenter, and provoke our lives. If you love poetry or are totally new, we’ll dive into poems as a way to learn about ourselves, our others, our connections, and the worlds we live in. Register here: https://wbuuc.breezechms.com/form/Poetry23
Contact: Amy Peterson (dre@wbuuc.org)