Every Sunday, the chalice is lit by members of the church. This is a chalice lighting by, Jo Ford, a new member at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church (WBUUC).
“I grew up in a religious tradition where every church had a sanctuary lamp. It was a large candle usually held in red glass up near the altar. It was always kept burning to signify the sacred presence of God in the Eucharist, Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. That made the church a holy place and the glow of that perpetual flame was comforting and reassuring to me at the time.
But life brings change and that brought me here where I found such a welcoming spiritual home even though it was so different from what I had known. I looked around for something familiar to get my bearings and thought I saw a sanctuary lamp, but no, I was told it was the chalice. But it wasn’t lit.
Then a new meaning dawned and I got it. There is no flame until we are all here together because, as is said each Sunday, we are who make this a holy place. It is we who bless this space with our presence and make it sacred.
Wow…what a privilege and responsibility. So I light the flame today in honor of the sacrament we are to each other as we each take hold of our place in this loving community.”
Jo Ford